Translation of The, Deed of appropriation of Hajee Mohummud Mohsin,Dated 9th Bysakh 1213 B.E. corresponding with 20th April 1806 A.D.
I, Hajee Mohummud Mohsin , son of Hajee Fyzoolah, son of Agha Fuzloollah, inhabitant of the port of Hooghly, in full possession of all my senses and faculties, with my own free will and accord do make the following correct and legal declaration. That the zumindaree of pergunnah Qismut Syedpore, etc. appendant to Zillah Jesore, and pargunnah Sobhnal, also appendnt to the Zillah aforesaid, and one house situated in Hooghly (Known and distinguished as Imambarah and Imambazar, and haut (market) , also situated in Hooghly, and all the gods and chattels appertaining to the Imambara aforesaid, agreeably to a separate list; the whole of which have devolved on me by inheritance and the proprietary possession of which I have enjoyed up to the present time. As I have neither children, nor grand-children, nor other relatives, who would become my legal heirs and as it is my earnest wish and desire to keep up and continue the usages and charitable expenditures(Murasum-o-Musaruf-i-husneh) of the nature of fateha, and tuheeat, etc, of the Huzerat (on whom be blessings and rewards), which have been the established customs of this family, Itherefore hereby give, purely for the sake of God, the whole of the above property, with all its rights, immunities, and privileges, whole and entire, little or much, in it with it, or from it, and whatever (by way of appendage) might arise from it, or relate or belong to it, as a permanent appropriation for the following expenditure; and I have hereby appointed Rujub Uli Khan , son of Shekh Mohummud Sadiq, and Shakur Uli Khan, son of Ahmud Khan, who have been tried and approved by me, as possessing understanding, knowledge, relighin, and probity Mootawullees (or trustees) of the said Waqf or appropriation, which I have entrusted to the above two individuals, that aiding and assisting each other they may consult, advise, and agree together in all matters connected with the joint management of the business of the said appropriation, in the manner following. The aforenamed Mutawallis, after paying the revenues of the Government, shall divide the remaining produce of the Muhals aforenamed into nine shares, of which three shares, first of all they shall disburse in the observance of of the fateha of Huzrut Syud-i-Kayunat, (head of the creation) the last of pro;hest, and of the sinless Imams (on all of whom be the blessings and peace of God); and in the expenditures appertaining to the Ushra of Moohurrum-ool-Huram (10 days of the sacred Mhourrum) and all other blessed days of Feasta and festivals); and in the repairs of the Imambara and cemetery. Two shares, the Mutawallis, in equal proportion, shall appropriate to themselves for their own expenses; and four shares shall be disbursed in the payment of the servants of the establishment, and of those whose names oare inserted in a separate list singed and sealed by me. In regard to the daily expenses, monthly stipends of the stipendiaries, respectable men, peadas and other persons, who, at the present moment, stand appointed, the Mutawallis aforenamed, after me have full pwer to retain abolish or discharge as it may appear to them most fit and expedient. I have committed the Mutawlliship to the charge of the two abovenamed individuals as a common (aum) towleeut, In the event of a Mutawalli finding himself unable to conduct the business of the endowment, he may appoint any one whom he may think most fit and most deserving, as Mutawalli to act in his stead. Consequently this writing is executed as a deed, this 9th day of Bysakh in the year of Hijree 1221, corresponding with the Bengal year 1213 that whenever it be required, it may prove a legal deed.
Seal of
Mohummud Mohsin