At the instance of Babu Joykissen Mookerji of Uttarpara one of the funder , the Imambarah School came under the Hooghly Mohsin College in December 1837 with the new naem of Hooghly Branch School and has been functioning. In 1832 financial assistance was withdrawn from these institution and it was order that private parties could take them over subject to inspection by Government agencies. The school at Hooghly was saved from extinction in 1834 By Mr. D.C,Smyth, the then the Judge of Hooghly,who secured some land and raised subscription from the Zamindars of the district with thich he founded what was possibly the first Hith English School in West Bengal outside Calcutta. The School starts with only 23 students on its roll was subsequntly amalgamated with the Madrasa attached to the Hooghly Imambarah and came to be Known as Hooghly Branch School which exists to this day.